
HTCC Planning and Vacation in Japan

HTCC Planning and Vacation in Japan

HTCC Law held its annual planning and vacation in Osaka, Japan last 27 June to 3 July 2015. Partners, associates and staff joined the trip, with their spouses and some friends from GNN News and IBP. The week-long event included a tour of Universal Studios in Osaka, where everybody had a grand time touring its newest attraction, Harry Potter. The group also had sightseeing tours in Arashiyama, Kyoto and Kobe, went shopping in Shinshaibashi and Dotonburi districts, and sampled famous Japanese food like takoyaki and okonomiyaki. The highlight of the trip was the visit of HTV lawyers at Shusako Yamamoto Law Office in Osaka, where they had a meeting with their Japanese counterparts and tour of its magnificent office.
